Monday, January 9, 2012

be prepared

Well, this is a "travel blog" after all. Here are just some pictures I took while I was in Denver, CO.

Being an arrogant intellectual and pretending to read at the same time. Talent, my friends. Talent.

A sweet church. I don't know what it is about churches but I feel like I should take pictures crappy cell phone pictures of them all the time.

Freezing and happy about it.

Good 'ol Denver.

I bought a sweet dress at H&M.

This was the coolest part of the trip. My Uncle's neighbor (haha get it?) has a horse next door on a plot of land and I fed it. It was really gross but really cute at the same time. I don't get it either.

All in all, Denver was great! Totally visitng again sometime~


Well well well...

Haha! Remember when I said I was going to Russia? Well I'm not. Turns out I'm being sent to Kiev, (Kyev) Ukraine. Which is still just as awesome. Look here's proof it's awesome:

Look at that beaut! Just imagine it covered in  sweet sweet snow (and the blood and tears of my sorrow...nah I'm totally kidding). Sorry if that last sentence scared you, feel free to stop reading and run away.
Oh yeah, baby that's what I'm talkin' about.

So church-y.

So yeah, anyways... I'm really excited and really scared all at the same time. Which isn't a cute combination for me since I tend to make myself sick that way. If you're reading this and you donated to this wonderful cause, I just want to let you know how incredibly greatful I am for all of your help (and money). In all seriousness I really am greatful and I will try and keep up with this blog while I'm abroad. You guys are awesome! :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Winging it.

The name is Madeline. (the dark haired one...)

I guess I should probably talk a little bit about myself huh?
  • 19 years of age
  • Sophomore in kawledge
  • n00b at blogging
  • Majoring in Art History and French
  • Going to Russia in January (prepare for tons of sweet pictures and posts, people)

Blogging is a strange new concept for me. I recently just deleted my tumblr (which I had for 2 years) it had a good run... 
Tumblr wasn't really a blogging site for me. I would just post small things that I thought were annoying and complained about life. I feel like blogspot is a lot more positive. So here goes nothing. haha. This blog will consist of:
  • Personal thoughts
  • My travels
and why not
  • Fashion

Currently listening to: 'Don't you Remember"-- Adele